Day 6: You’re Never Alone
John 14:26 (NIV)
26 But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

Thought: God puts his Holy Spirit to guide us in living out the life of faith. Sometimes our picture of God is like a clock maker who sets things in motion and then steps to the background. It’s easy to get this impression when it comes to grace. It’s easy to think God gives you grace and then he looks at you and says, “Ok, don’t screw it up again!” But nothing could be further from the truth! In Acts chapter 1, we see Jesus after the resurrection getting ready to leave his disciples and go into heaven. However, before he leaves, he tells them to wait for the Holy Spirit. Why? The Holy Spirit is not only the one who will empower the disciples, but he is also the one who will guide them. In the Gospel of John, we see Jesus talk about the Holy Spirit as the helper. He is the one who will teach us, talk to God for us, and guide us in the life of faith. God will never leave you alone on this journey of faith. He will guide you every step of the way. That is why he put his own Spirit into your life. When it comes to the life of faith you are never alone! Story: John 16:4-15 As you read through this story, realize that these are some of the last things Jesus tells his disciples before he goes to the cross. He wants them to know they will never be left alone; by extension, he wants you to know you will never be left to live the life of faith on your own. He will guide you.